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Candy Crush Friends Saga - Rachel
Friend: Rachel

First available during the Paris in Macaroon Event

Level required:19

Move: Collect 12 Green Candy and Rachel will squirt 1 Rainbow Candy randomly replacing a green candy currently on the board

Candy Crush Friends Biography - Rachel

Rachel is an artist in the fullest sense: emotional, impulsive, expressive. She was originally an instructor in a paint-by-numbers kit, and the sweet Candy Kingdom constantly inspires her to paint outside the lines

Rainbow Candy
  • Swap the Rainbow Candy with any candy on the board to activate. (If hit by another special candy it will hit/paint 4 squares in a random direction)
  • Rainbow Candy
  • Swipe toward the direction you want to hit/paint.
  • Paints the candy a copy of the candy you are swiping with in the 4 squares after the 2 squares you are swiping together. (Blockers, Color Bombs and other Rainbow Candy can not be painted and are hit for 1 layer or if are only 1 layer are set off)
  • Gaps can be included in the 4. (Can jump an empty square and continue painting counting each gap as 1 of the 4)
  • Rainbow Candy starts painting after the 2 squares you are swapping so count four after those squares to see if the 5th is that same color to make a Color Bomb or other special candy. (the rows and columns above and below can be incuded to make a coloring candy or wrapped candy)
  • The new special candy will be place in the top most (if using more than one row) or left most square that was painted.
  • When swiping up or down the new colored candy will first drop to the square which were occupied by the 2 you swapped and then will then based on those will determine if or what special candy it will become. (candy in column beside it are included eg. make a coloring candy)
  • It will only paint up to the edge of the board.
  • If swapping with a special candy the Rainbow Candy will paint the regular candy as that special candy and set them off but will not make another special candy. (Rainbow + Rainbow Combos use 4 squares in the direction of the swipe and opposite of the swipe for a total of 8 painted/hit squares. Can make a special candy.)
  • The Rainbow Candy can go through the Hazelnut crunch
  • Colored special candy that are in the 4 being painted will NOT be set off unless it matches with surrounding candy. (Non colored special candy are set off eg. Color Bomb, Rainbow Candy)
  • Striped Candy matched with the Rainbow Candy will create 4 alternating (vertical/horizontal/vertical/horizontal) striped candy starting with vertical.
  • Rainbow Candy swapped with a Coloring Candy will change 1 color on the entire board, for each of the up to 4 Coloring Candy made by the Rainbow Candy to match, the color of the coloring candy. (Rainbow Candy swapped with a Color Bomb will remove 1 color for each of the Color Bombs that were created)
  • Rainbow Candy swapped with a Color Bomb will remove 1 color for each of the Color Bombs that were created. (Does not hit Blockers)
  • Hitting a Rainbow Candy with another special candy will make it shoot out a blast in one random direction hitting/painting 4 squares.
  • The candy above the pair you are switching will drop down and be included and could make a big special candy instead of just a striped candy.
  • Easy Color Bomb when a Rainbow Candy is between 2 of the same color vertically to the flow of candy swipe against the flow to make 4 and they will fall onto the remaining matching candy to match 5 making a Color Bomb
  • Easy Color Bomb 2 Horizontally swipe when the candy above the swiped candy closest to where the candy will be painted is the same color and there are 4 availble squares. The candy above will drop down and make a color bomb
  • Easy Color Bomb 3 If the 5th space after where the Rainbow Candy paints matches the candy being swiped it wll make a color bomb
Rachel Costume info and Demo Videos

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