Try to get through the first couple boards quickly
Level Game mode: Free the Octopuses
The octopuses have gotten themselve stuck in Gummy cubes. Help get them out!
Match next to the Gummy or hit with special candy to wear down the layers slowly showing the green dot of the octopus. They can be difficult to tell apart from candy until you get to the lower layers and see a green dot. Fish are great at showing you where the animals are. Once the layers of Gummy have been removed it will be free.
Working on the bottom of the board can make special candies above
Use Special Candies to hit the areas you can't reach
Fish and fish combos will usually go straight to an octopus an find it for you
Special Candies are always helpful
A wrapped candy set off beside a Gummy will hit it twice but if used as a fish combo will hit only once
Wrapped candy will only hit the top when the bottom is solid Gummy where combo with a striped candy will go through 3 rows by 3 columns if there are no blockers but together they are a great combo
Combine Special Candies.. my go to is Color Bomb + Striped Candy
Playing low on the board can make auto matches above removing some of the Gummy for you
Using a Color Bomb also makes it easier to make the other Special Candies since it reduces one of the colors on the board
Using a Color Bomb with needed colored or Striped Candy is great for filling up your order
If you have no moves to break blockers make special candy or collect your friends candy
Sending a striped candy next to Gummy without something beside it will also hit it